Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Why The World Lives in Fear

Too many people are living in fear:

- The wealthy live in fear of losing power from what they have amassed.

- The middle class live in fear of not being recognized by the wealthy and being seen as snobs by the poor.

- The poor live in fear of living a life not worth living, being targeted by the wealthy and looked down on by the middle class.

- Those who shun the material world and focus on spirituality live in fear of fear...


Why I Am An Activist

THEM: Mike, are you an activist?
ME: Indeed I am.

THEM: A Black Activist?
ME: An activist that is black?  Yes. 
If you are asking if I am active on behalf of things that only affect black people, no.

THEM: What type of activist are you?
ME: One who seeks justice, freedom, and equality under the law for ALL people!  ALL people must be uplifted especially Blacks in America because they have the most unequal statistics.

THEM: What needs to be addressed?
ME: Here are a few things off the top:

- Government (especially state and local) corruption and mismanagement on ALL levels
- Continued use of key public offices being used by white supremacists for their agendas
- Continued neglect and abuse of poor people
- Continued mis-and-undereducation of ALL Americans especially Blacks

This is why I end my informative posts with the term "POWER UP!" because the masses are a mighty engine of justice that have been purposely turned off, who now need to be turned on... POWER UP!