Thursday, January 22, 2015


I was recently told that I'm "too serious" when commenting on certain posts related to relationships.

Maybe that's what's wrong with relationships today in the African-American community: not enough people are taking them seriously, especially a number of African-American males.

There's a terrible dynamic taking place among African-American females and males:

- African-American females are either too tough to allow a man to come into their lives and be strong WITH/FOR them or they're so desperate that it leads them to degrade themselves.

- African-American males are either spoiled mama's boys expecting women to take care of them or they're misled into believing that being a "thug" and disrespectful is what it means to be a man.

We must change these dynamics and heal each other.  We need to love and support each other as halves of balanced whole.  THAT is a serious matter.