Sunday, December 14, 2014


Don't get it twisted, my days of being a "It-was-perfect-back-in-the-day-Conscious-Brother" ended back in 2000. 

I don't think all Black people are innocent and all White people are devilish.  I don't think that reading 1,000 books on Africa, the Civil Rights Movement, and "Black Power" ideologies will solve our issues as African-Americans.

I do know that we need to gain educational and economic empowerment that will give us political leverage.   I do know that we must master math and science as well as spirituality and morality. 

Balance in life, personal development, and self-sufficiency for our communities are the key to empowerment.

Saturday, December 6, 2014



To my brothers and sisters who have never been in trouble with the law or been involved in the #streets, please do NOT make the mistake of underestimating the value of this segment of our communities.

If we are to rectify the issues plaguing our communities, men and women with my multifaceted background will be needed (street, #business, and #community service).

Our #youth are being lost to the streets and prisons.  Who better to grab their attention than those who have either been there or who are still there.

Even if your child(ren) "made it" or are "making it" out of harms way, as long as there are growing numbers of disenfranchisement in our communities, no one is going to be completely safe.

Don't misjudge me or look down on me/those with my "type of background" because you may be cutting off your best chance of saving your child(ren) and our future.

Friday, December 5, 2014


People have seen my personal growth and efforts over the years with the idea that I'm "there".  You know, "there", the place where all is well with no worries...  Not true.

There is a heavy price to becoming a successful #entrepreneur and an effective #activist.  I have sacrificed, and continue to sacrifice, a lot.

As an entrepreneur and investor, you take the risk of winning or losing a lot.  I have had my ups and my downs.

I've lost money, vehicles, opportunities, my freedom and my residence.   I've lived out of business offices, hotels, and my car.  I've also lost relationships because of my need to sacrifice.

Do I regret those sacrifices?   Do I wish I would've remained on the path of holding "steady employment" to ensure stability?

NO!  I wouldn't trade the feeling of #freedom and achievement for ANYTHING!  The section of the path I chose is beginning to reward me for my sacrifices which will allow me to bless scores of others.  THAT is worth the losses I have suffered.  Paying the cost for freedom is worth the results.


Thursday, December 4, 2014


I'm conscious enough to know that:

-No, Blacks aren't the only Americans disgusted by the acts of police brutality;
-No, Blacks aren't the only victims of police brutality;
-No, Blacks aren't the only people struggling with poverty, political corruption, and community violence...

However, there's NO doubt that Blacks are more than twice as likely to be:

- incarcerated;
- stopped by police;
- denied a loan;
- disenfranchised from their civil rights;
- on the receiving end of a racial slur or racial violence;
- unemployed;
- observed or followed in a store;
- stereotyped;
- die from preventable diseases;
- be diagnosed with a learning disability or behavioral disorder; and
- denied equal pay or a promotion.

Do I see face first, I don't want to, yet it appears that racism is being acted out on me and others that resemble me.

I am not a reactionary, I am a proactive revolutionary fighting against injustice, racism, corruption, dysfunction, and inequality. 

I revolt against these problems and oppressors by:

- improving myself, FIRST;
- improving my relationships; and
- improving my community.

These improvements will assist me in demanding RESPECT from those with whom I interact.  After my family, community, and I have improved our situation, and shown responsibility, by our OWN resolve, then, and only then, can we DEMAND accountability from others.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


What will it take till the #illusion of progress for Blacks in America is completely exposed?
Yes, we get to:
- live in areas we couldn't before,
- eat where we couldn't before, and
- go to schools where we couldn't before...
However, we are still:
- victims of police brutality,
- still receive unequal raises,
- don't own the means to produce nor distribute the basic necessities our communities need, and
- the recipients of rampant #racism.
We traded self-sufficiency and independence for gold-plated servitude.

Monday, December 1, 2014


In late 1996, I started study groups out of my first house in #Warrensville Heights with everyone from gang members and drug dealers to artists and students.  I changed lives.

From that time to 2000, I continued to study, research, and build with friends, family, and associates under the name of Malachi El Kush (pronounced Mala-ky) till I was convicted by the Feds for organizing a series of unarmed bank robberies to gain money for the needs of family, friends, and community needs.  I was angry and immature yet... I changed lives.

While I was incarcerated, a total of 10 years, I moved on with my studying and building with prisoners from around the World.  I broke bread and shared knowledge with former college administrators, U.S. House Reps, Wise Guys, OG's, Chiefs, and Revolutionaries.  I changed lives and my life was changed.

For the past 4 years, I have grown in my studies and my activities in the community, yet I feel like I have done nothing... This is only the beginning.

I don't know what new adversities I will face as I move forward in my life's purpose, however I do know that I will continue to #change lives, have my life changed, and have no fear.


Saturday, November 29, 2014


The "I have to worry about me and mine" philosophy is dangerous when dealing with organizations.
When you have an organized body of people systematically attacking you, the least effective defense is to stand alone.
Even if you don't want to deal with everyone involved, at least stand united under the same idea.
White supremacist groups don't all get along yet they're united by one unified concept: the dominance of White Power and their freedom.
Let us all agree that what we need is:
- Freedom
- Justice
- Happiness
- Equality in the Law
Let's unite... POWER UP!

Friday, November 28, 2014


At the end of The Civil War, The Confederacy contemplated it's next move.  Not only were former slave masters distraught with the change in their economic system, there were greater issues for former overseers, slave trackers, and non-slave staff for each plantation who had fought in the war: the new prospect of poverty.

As it was recognized that these newly unemployed individuals would have to compete with former slaves, who possessed greater vocational skills, for jobs, an organization formed: The Klu Klux Klan.

The KKK professed to be God-fearing White men appointed with the responsibility of returning the United States back to its former "glory" under pure White rule.

With the addition of former slave owners (also plantation owners) into their ranks, the KKK became an organized threat to all those who did not agree with their agenda.

After years of night raids and terror campaigns against Blacks, the Federal Government was compelled to crackdown on the organization.   This forced the strategists of the KKK to restructure their overall strategy.  The results: a greater emphasis on taking over political positions of power (including the criminal justice system), educational administration, and influence in the private sector.

They appeared to disappear due to federal government pressure but the truth is that they were focusing on their new strategy and moving further back into the shadows.

Once positions of power were secured, the plan was to change laws and policies that would eventually work against Black and other minority interests.   Also, it would give them protection and cover necessary to systematically continue terrorizing Blacks without interference from the Feds because everything would be justified by the "law".

To remove suspicion from them and their activities,  the KKK needed another focal point to place blame.  With the help of church clergy, they created propaganda about two proposed corrupt and racist organizations who were bent on world domination:

This propaganda has helped perpetuate the greatest illusion in modern history!  With society, specially Blacks, focusing on the lure of The Illuminati and The Jews, The KKK has been left to wreak havoc in every state of the Union!

Please open your eyes to this decades old scheme.  If we do not filter these destructive agents out of our civil and military, we will implode and they will have their opening to regain control of local territories throughout the United States!

Please be aware the KKK isn't the only White Supremacist groups actively conspiring to use positions of influence for their agendas, they're just one of the older organizations. 

Check out the following link about the FBI's Domestic Terrorists Threat list and reports on White Supremacists:

Thursday, November 27, 2014



Over the last couple of days,  I know a lot has been said regarding the events surrounding the #Ferguson decision and the execution of #Tamir. 

Some of you have probably been reading my, and others, social media posts with frustration and confusion, wishing it would stop and that we will talk about something else... There's NOTHING more important to talk about than THIS!

Since the verdict was announced, and the news of Tamir being shot here in Cleveland, I haven't watched a sports game or anything else because they're diversions.

If you look up the word "entertainment", one of its definitions is "diversion; to divert".  Divert from what?!  REAL life?!

We can NO LONGER be diverted from the issues from which need to be addressed today:

- Equal protection and rights under the law for ALL people, especially minorities (damn, is this 2014 of 1964?)
- The restructuring and building of Black families and communities without outside agitation and interference.

Until these two things can be respectfully addressed and adhered to, there will be nothing else to discuss or be entertained by...PERIOD!

We MUST utilize the momentum available to us as an energy to galvanize the movement of equality, freedom, and justice.  If not, we will be return to our our lulled slumber and be diverted from the truth of our current position in the U.S.

The revolution of TRUE change starts NOW!


Tuesday, November 25, 2014


I need to clarify something...
Comparing the SYSTEMATIC murder of Blacks and "Black on Black" is NOT, I repeat NOT, justified.
How many are aware of the concept that outside agitators are coming into our communities, committing a crime, and making it APPEAR that it's self-inflicted?
How many are aware that the increased disappearance of Black females and kids is not random acts of kidnapping within the community?
PLEASE, open your eyes to the FACT that the Klan, Aryan Brotherhood, and other other racist organizations, including corrupt law enforcement departments, have been executing operations in our communities in the guise of "random acts of #violence" and continued "Black-on-Black violence" for the past few decades!
They instigate gang wars to keep violence perpetuating in our neighborhoods after they spark the trouble or add fuel to the fire.  I know this to be a #FACT because after the 1992 Crips and Bloods gang truce, it was later revealed that corrupt law enforcement had been committing drive-bys in rival colors to break the truce!
Come on people, keep your eyes and ears open and... POWER UP!


The only effective ways to #protest against injustices are:
1) Boycotting;
2) Empowerment via strengthening the community's economic base and control of the educational curriculum;
3) Self-sufficiency to achieve equality among the other ethnic groups in the world; and
4) Love ourselves and each other.


Dear sisters,
On behalf of every strong brother dead or alive, we apologize for:
- not having our shit together when needed to;

- leaving you with no choice but to be the ONLY consistent strength in our communities;

- not being there to protect you and our seeds as commanded by The Most High;

- not always loving and cherishing you as we should...
There so many more things we could apologize for yet there can be no greater show of remorse than to change our actions... We will!
I love you, Queen of the Earth and my heart.  Please be a little more patient with us because we're waking up...

Thursday, July 3, 2014


The #Matrix is more than a movie,  the concept is real...

We are born into a system that capitalizes off of our ignorance and primal drives.
We are killing OURSELVES!  We have created things and processes that jeopardize our daily #health and that of future offspring.

We have polluted the water, air, earth, foods, thoughts, bioenergy, and, as a result, ourselves.
Our "technology" is a blessing and a curse because it appears to create speed, ease, and connectivity, but it's also creating #cancer, #stress, and #dehumanization.

We laugh at those who appear to be "backwards" and out-of-touch (ex. Amish), yet those who live a "simple" life simply live longer and healthier.

What is the solution?  #Balance.  We must eliminate the things that do use the most harm (i.e. manipulating our food supply with genetic modification and toxins) and reduce others (i.e. use of radioactive electronics).

This won't be an easy process because the illusions of the Matrix are strong and enticing.  We have been programmed since birth to accept these illusions as harmless "facts"; we are creatures of habit.  Take a step at a time.  Remove, replace, and reduce; that is the formula.  POWER UP!