Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Great Illusion

The biggest issues we face, specifically in the U.S., is manipulation of people thru economics via education.

We are being used to increase power for an elite few under the illusion of improved quality of life as EXCESSIVE CONSUMERS! 

All the capital we generate is being used to pay mortgages/rent, car notes, and other bills RIGHT BACK to those who pay us for our work.

We're not being educated to use our money to save, become investors, and social enterprisers, we've been conditioned to work, earn, and spend/consume.  It's personally and collectively killing us.

That has to change, it starts today with you and I changing how we perceive this world.  POWER UP!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Fighting for HUMANITY

We are NOT animals.  This isn't survival of the fittest.  We evolved with a higher consciousness to experience a greater form of life.  We are here to LOVE one another.

Yes, some of us make over $15 per hour due to securing certain jobs, however, that doesn't mean that others should be given scraps to feed themselves and their family.  Where's the HUMANITY in that?

Some claim that if they can rise by getting an education and securing a salary above poverty anybody can.  Everybody doesn't have the same circumstances, resources, and network to achieve that.  Plus, there aren't enough "high paying" jobs for those who have degrees.  Not all can fill the vacant engineering and medical jobs.

Regardless of what position one can individually attain, it still doesn't excuse exploitation and not setting a minimum wage that can reward those who want to work with wages they can have a decent life with.

Let your higher self guide you to make the decision to support what's right.