Thursday, June 25, 2015


THOUGHT OF THE DAY: Serfdom = A member of the lowest feudal class, legally bound to a landed estate and required to perform labor for the lord of that estate in exchange for a personal allotment of land.

The premise of this system (legal system in medieval Europe and imperial Asia) is to make people dependant on the governing body for necessities (including protection) in exchange for cheap labor and services.

Is it just me or did the Democratic Party (known as Socialists around the world) trick poor people and minorities into modern day serfdom?!  They went from being "the slave master's party" to "the people's party" in an odd turn of events from 1933 - 1965 (32 years) which includes "social programs" that make individuals dependant on the government for their necessities.

The Qu'ran and Bible speak about Iblis (devil) telling The Most High that he would make "evil fairseeming and turn man upside down, in and out". 

Brothers and sisters, have we been duped by a political strategy of making an "evil" seem fair (servitude and slavery is now cloaked as government assistance)?  AFTER some historical FACT checking, tell me what you think about this concept.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

The State of Black America

During the Jim Crow era Black men hung from trees by the dozen and Black women had to clean up the houses of the very people who hated us just to support the families the Black men left behind.

In today's society, Black men are not only being exterminated by the hand of corrupt policy enforcers but each other's hand too, and the Black woman is still working to support our families.

WE'RE LOSING, BLACK FAMILY, and WE'RE LOSING BAD!  100 years and the pattern remains.

We think that because we get to go further up the corporate/public service ladder and live in any "better" neighborhoods that we're doing better than our ancestors who lived in the early 20th century... WE'RE NOT!

Why?  They predominantly had something we don't...UNITY.   Regardless of class, religion, education, or any other divisionary measure, they knew they were in the same boat: BEING BLACK.

We gave up so much to be accepted by others and have "more" but it's an illusion.