Saturday, September 28, 2013


It's amazing how naïve some people can be in modern society.
We've been so coddled & "civilized" that some people think there's no need to be on guard.
Shit can get real at ANY moment; we see it on the news everyday!
Who thought that 9/11 would happen or that someone would walk into an elementary school to kill children?!
We are taught to seek nonviolent solutions to all of our issues, but that does NOT justify passiveness or the lack of preparation.
Learn self-defense.  Learn how to use weapons and survive when there are no utilities, grocery stores, or law enforcement, because things & people won't always be predictable.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


We have become a nation of money-&-time chasers.  We are too busy studying for degrees that will give us jobs that will lead to us working more hours.

Later, we go back to school to get higher degrees to earn more for the high hours we work, but, in the end, we sacrifice the most important things: time for significant others, family & friends; all in the name of consumption.  We're loyal to brands & products, not each other.

We don't accept the concept of having a home, vehicle, clothes & etc, it must be a certain type of home, a particular brand of car, clothes & so on.
We have become unreliable lovers, family members & friends in exchange for being slaves of time & consumerism.
In this darkness...LET THERE BE LIGHT!